
We are connected with and support several evangelistic Christian brothers and sisters around the world who are passionate about reaching the unreached and encouraging new believers.

Romans 10:14
"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 


Dominion Miracle Ministries is located in western Uganda, Africa. It is the vision of Brother John to reach the unreached and set the captives free. His radio program reaches into Uganda, East DRC Congo, South Sudan and parts of Rwanda and reaches the ears of followers of Islam, cults, pagans, and the unchurched.


We are friends with a young couple in western Nepal who routinely travels to very rural and isolated villages to share the Gospel with the unreached. They also help meet some basic needs such as mosquito nets, food, and health-related education.


Brother Vijay and his ministry group, Quest for Souls, face real hostility and danger as they spread the gospel to the unreached in many isolated villages and marginalized people in India

Thanks to modern-day technology, we are able to share the Gospel in other countries when we can't be there In person!
Here we are sharing with a church in Pakistan.