Building up the Church by getting back to basics

Acts 2: 42
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 

 We follow a simple church model. We have no buildings, no paid staff, no professional programs, and no official budget. We desire to strip away anything that can distract from a direct focus on God and His commandments, especially those known as the Great Commision and the Great Commandment.

Our desire is to passionately pursue what God wants in His church and get as close to that as possible. We want to grow in our understanding of God's Word and His design for His Church.
We are a community of believers hungry for Jesus and the Word, passionate about doing the will of the Holy Spirit, and above all, eager to bring glory to God in everything we do. 

Learn a bit more about who we are by clicking this button. 

Click the button for our Statement of Faith

We believe we are to show love to our community and the world in real and tangible ways. Click the button to see how we're doing that.

We are reading through the Bible together as a group. Click the button to find out more.

Have questions? Click the button for ways you can contact us.